the first two-page spread from my sketchbook i've ever uploaded, i think. this contains future plans, and current strife, plus, some very enigmatic advice given to me from bob.
anxiety, again. choosing and not choosing.
some crows. i'll put it out there for you--this time they symbolize anxiety, which i've had my fair share of these days. "cts" are the last three letters of a word that was spelled across the two page spread. i will not tell you the rest of the word.
two trees in montreal were exactly one bottom's width apart, and were the perfect spot for me to knit and watch some geese and contemplate the grammar of my activity.
this really really really happens! i saw it at a farm stand. the most romantic thing in nature, maybe?
i jumped into some waterfalls! it was cold. featured in this drawing are dan, becki, jo, and an encouraging stranger-lady.
i went to vermont. and some other places. most people wouldn't want to share car-space with me, and the select few who would be willing i consider to be very important people.
this may not seem like it, but it was about a boy. you know, a heap of skulls and toy cars and forks and dirt means love interest, right? well. yes.
ghostwale made-up folklore. bob requested more to come, so, maybe.
I make paintings and drawings and scratchings and sewings, and cakes and cards and books and comics.
Here is a peek into my sketchbooks, which are carried with me at all times.