it is the biggest, biggest, biggest bummer when this happens.


iamsorry iamsorry iamsorry that these scans are so bad. i can't stop drawing in pencil and i can't start doing a better job color correcting.
this drawing is based on a weird thing my grandma used to say to me when i told her i was bored.
"take two drumsticks, and drum your belly."


hello, anyone who reads my blog...if there are any of you left.
first, thanks. i know a few people look at it, and if you didn't, then i wouldn't have taken the time to do this ridiculous cheaty massive update.
secondly, i'm cheaty. i cheated. i backdated this for like, six months. i tried to date the drawings as close to the actual drawing date as possible. i scanned back through FEBRUARY. intense.
i had a computer meltdown (i always have a computer meltdown), and my new computer wasn't (until bob fixed it) photoshop compatible, and i couldn't get these things scanned and posted. not that i'm usually motivated to scan and post, believe me.
but here they are! don't hold it against me that it took so long, i'll try to keep it actually updated in the future.


seriously, this lady in france lived to be one hundred and twenty two. oh my goodness. this is the first page in my new sketchbook, which is always a stressful thing. it's over now, though.


some new faces, maybe. probably not, though. mostly influenced by gipi's "garage band", which blew my whole head off.